

宁波-鄞州区 / 民办全日制 / 教师: 300-400人 / 学生: 1500-2000人

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宁波鄞州赫德实验学校是英国赫特伍德豪斯公学Hurtwood House的姐妹学校。英国赫特伍德豪斯公学将活力和热情重新带回到教育界,被公认为是英国*成功和令人尊敬的学校之一,每年35%的学生升入全英排名前七的大学,20%的学生升入牛津、剑桥等全英排名前五的大学。同时,英国赫特伍德豪斯公学还在艺术专业上面有很高的造诣,全校15%的学生可以进入英国***的艺术院校,比如中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院。



以双语教学为特色的“赫德”扎根于中国文化,结合全球化的教育理念,致力于为中国的学生提供高品质的双语融合教育。中方校长为原鄞州中学校长方勋臣。外方执行校长为庄华伦(Warren Johnston),曾担任上海包玉刚实验学校创校校长以及外方执行校长。



HD Ningbo School
HD Schools are private bilingual schools with courses from pre-school to secondary school. HD Schools provide the comprehensive and international education solution for Chinese families who seek a truly international education with. Boarding is optional for secondary students. Blending the best of international education philosophy with Chinese curriculum, HD Schools provide students with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience. This is where tradition meets creativity and East meets West.

HD Ningbo Schools are sister schools of Hurtwood House, one of the most respected school in UK due to its vitality and vision. In the past seven years Hurtwood House has an average ranking of Number 2 for A level grades. Each year 35% of their students are admitted into the top seven universities. 20% of their students are admitted to Oxford and Cambridge and other G5 universities. The school is not only successful at A-levels but they are strong in The Arts. 15% of their students are admitted to top British Art Schools including Central St Martin’s College.

Yinzhou Campus located at No.505 of North Shengmo Road, Qiu’ai, Yinzhou District (originally Yinzhou Middle School).
HD Ningbo School is a private bilingual school with courses from kindergarten and primary school to secondary school. With a 15-year system, HD Ningbo School provides boarding which is optional for secondary students and pro

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